4. Juni 2015


channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz


The Love from All-That-Is covers you and my 
Love flows into your heart. So it is today and in eternity.


Beloved Ones,

This time adulates Life, even if death is everywhere.
The world is devoted to Love, Even if the fate of this 
mankind still needs to be fulfilled and thereby hate 
and darkness appear again.
Everything shows itself in the Light now and before this 
world has been entirely stripped off, it is necessary to l
ook, to accept, to dissolve and to forgive, because truly: 

Forgiveness heals souls and forgiveness heals the world. 

God’s Grace and the Light from Heaven flow relentlessly to earth, 
so that you may ascend and arise.You shall no longer meet death, 
you, who serve God and who bear testimony of the world of Light 
to mankind.

Day like Eternity 

Mother Earth changes again and the next phase of her 
transformation begins. This brings with it that soil mass 
moves and mountain ranges open, that massive water
floods cities and countries, and that fire burns everything 
and whereby the light warriors nevertheless do not burn.
Mother Earth will take from this world darkness and the 
representatives of darkness, which are still present on 
earth, because the “great horror”, the downfall of a 
whole world, shall no longer be fulfilled for you.
Heaven intervenes now and Mother Earth recreates herself 
in one gush. A day like eternity begins and the world will 
still be transformed before sunset.

Go on without fear! Remain loyal servants of the Light!
Be aware of your power! Anchor yourself in God! 

Heaven on earth has begun,
Even if it seems that hell has erupted! 

Look behind the veil and you will see: 
The illusion of darkness exists and it is 
located in another world, in one, which 
you no longer belong to.

In infinite Love

I am

Healing of the Living Mother Earth – GOD:

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