Mother Earth has accepted our Gift!
Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz
The time is ripe to transfer the “Crystal Cube from Atlantis”
to mankind, so that the miracle of enlightenment in human
Beings may occur and the uplifting of the planet may be fulfilled.
This manifestation lifts Mother Earth to a new vibration and this
means that all life partakes in great and far-reaching healings.
The energy of the “collective Crystals”, meaning all crystals,
which so far have arrived at the Lichtwelt Project, already
have an effect and with the activation by each human Being,
in order to work directly with the Crystal, this energy is
increased and potentiated.
Yet this also means that the process of transformation
the individual and of the planet continues with a so-far
unreached velocity and is accompanied by unimaginable
discharges on the Mother planet.
the individual and of the planet continues with a so-far
unreached velocity and is accompanied by unimaginable
discharges on the Mother planet.
before the Light takes on the regency on this earth,
before Love is omnipresent among human Beings and before
the kingdom of peace begins in this world, everything warlike,
anything dark and everything of evil must be burnt,
banned or be transformed.
before Love is omnipresent among human Beings and before
the kingdom of peace begins in this world, everything warlike,
anything dark and everything of evil must be burnt,
banned or be transformed.
And so it is, and so it comes, and so it occurs:
„Everything heals, everything heals“… How
Mother Earth has gratefully accepted the gift of
the unconditional devotion of many human Beings
toward their own transformation and thereby the
rebirth of the planet may be fulfilled in a new
the unconditional devotion of many human Beings
toward their own transformation and thereby the
rebirth of the planet may be fulfilled in a new
manner for many
human Beings.
1.) In joy for the ascending ones and in
absence of suffering.
absence of suffering.
2.) In deep trust in God for the ascending
ones and far from
ones and far from
doubt or hopelessness.
3.) In the certitude for the ascending
ones that God is omnipresent
ones that God is omnipresent
and in the consciousness that they are
under God’s complete
under God’s complete
"Crystal Cube of Ascension" is immediately available.
The Workbook (Illustrated Book), in order to be able to work
with the "Ascension Crystal", is exclusively available in German.
An English version is in preparation.
Telos, Welcome to Agartha – JAHN J KASSL:
The Lichtweltportal is free of advertisement and declines
The Workbook (Illustrated Book), in order to be able to work
with the "Ascension Crystal", is exclusively available in German.
An English version is in preparation.
Telos, Welcome to Agartha – JAHN J KASSL:
The Lichtweltportal is free of advertisement and declines
any direct linking, in
order to guarantee the clarity of the
homepage and the pure vibration of its
The light world publishing and the author do not lead
any correspondence whatsoever on the texts / messages
published on
this website.