channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Beloved Ones!
Anchor yourself in Christ Consciousness and know that
thereby you will be unreachable for all events which
come to this world.
I know that this world liberates itself and all human
Beings press for freedom.
And I know that for many
this process is quite painful and then again for others
quite easy and natural.
Who is anchored in Christ Consciousness, possesses the
key of this time. And you are anchored, if deep inner peace
comes from your heart, as you radiate deep inner love,
as you know deep inside that Christ acts in you and through
you, daily and at every time.
The living Christ shall be born again within you as
the one you know, who has overcome all –
Today and in these days it is important to overcome
everything, because only a Being steadfastly facing
events, can be untouched by them.
In the suction of the events much is possible.
Please make sure that you remain unaffected as
well as undamaged so that you can hold your sacred
center and that your capacity for love remains intact.
Connect with CHRIST on a daily basis. Breathe through
him and you will emerge healed from everything that is
still ahead for this world.
There is only one “temptation” that one can succumb
to – the temptation to accept the instructions from the
ego and to deny the all-loving consciousness of a
liberated Spirit.
Go on, because the One, who is Eternal,
Infinite and Omnipresent, is with you – CHRIST
I am
The light world publishing and the author do not lead any
this process is quite painful and then again for others
quite easy and natural.
Who is anchored in Christ Consciousness, possesses the
key of this time. And you are anchored, if deep inner peace
comes from your heart, as you radiate deep inner love,
as you know deep inside that Christ acts in you and through
you, daily and at every time.
The living Christ shall be born again within you as
the one you know, who has overcome all –
Today and in these days it is important to overcome
everything, because only a Being steadfastly facing
events, can be untouched by them.
In the suction of the events much is possible.
Please make sure that you remain unaffected as
well as undamaged so that you can hold your sacred
center and that your capacity for love remains intact.
Connect with CHRIST on a daily basis. Breathe through
him and you will emerge healed from everything that is
still ahead for this world.
There is only one “temptation” that one can succumb
to – the temptation to accept the instructions from the
ego and to deny the all-loving consciousness of a
liberated Spirit.
Go on, because the One, who is Eternal,
Infinite and Omnipresent, is with you – CHRIST
I am
The light world publishing and the author do not lead any
correspondence whatsoever
on the texts / messages published
on this website.
Enlightenment - MAITRAYA:
Enlightenment - MAITRAYA: