channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Indeed the actual
Olympic games were supposed to be
ended by a “great bomb” (The Elohim speak of a different
event and do not refer to the incident
of a Turkish airplane,
which was supposed to be hijacked to Sotchi on the 7th
of February, 2014. Remark JJK)
This would have had
enormous worldwide political
consequences that the Light Forces did not allow
happen as such. Therefore the Light Forces of Heaven directly
intervened and
defeated all related processes that let the
discharges fizzle out. This
“intervention from outside”
is possible because the light warriors of the first
and last
days who are still stationed on this earth hologram have
During the “process of
neutralization” all dark energies flow
through the physical system of these
human beings, they guide
these very lethargic energies through, so that these
can happen in the subtle worlds, there, where they cause
released into the Light.
This work of
transformation, whereby different dark energies
that would instantly extinguish
this world are neutralized,
is acted out by the for this task selected light
warriors as
an unconditional act of love, and that so long until the
events on
God’s behest will discharge, and not according
to the will of the dark powers,
and until the ascension of
the light warriors, who perform this sacred service
in this
world, is fulfilled.
We are invincible –
above as below.
Our force is indestructible
and decisive in creation
in order to affect the birth of new worlds.
in order to affect the birth of new worlds.
The human Beings, gods
in human form are truly with us.
We are the ELOHIM
The bridge for mankind, the gate for the world.
We are the ELOHIM
The bridge for mankind, the gate for the world.
The light world publishing and the author do not lead any
correspondence whatsoever
on the texts / messages published
on this website.
Liberation from the Orion Shackles - ASANA MAHATARI:
Liberation from the Orion Shackles - ASANA MAHATARI: