channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Beloved Ones,
New 6D vibration patterns are transferred to this world.
The ascending beings are affected by it, so that they awaken
in their almighty consciousness and so that the vibration of
your energy bodies steadily grows and increases.
The preparations for the moment of God’s Grace, for your
ascension, continue; mosaic is put against mosaic, until the
last stone completes the picture and brings the ascension.
For the moment of your ascension,
it is important to know the following:
You will be, wherever you are in that
sacred hour, uplifted.
For the ascending ones there is no “wrong place”,
where you may be staying, what would make your ascension
more difficult or impossible. An ascending one will be uplifted,
no matter where you are and in which environment you may be.
Heaven changes, the earth bulges, oceans arise out of dry
deserts and vaporize there, where one finds them today.
The miracle of Transformation occurs for this world
and all ready human Beings for it do likewise.
In infinite Love
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Superfunction of the Planet – 6D-SPACE FLEET OF THE