written by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Honored Readers,
Today we would like to express our
gratitude for the many and
specific feedbacks regarding
the effectiveness of the Lichtwelt gifts
(Pendant/Symbol CB9,
mountain crystal and rose quartz energy discs CB5, symbol
the healing of the world, light of the world). For us it is a great
joy to
be able to experience “at close hand” the healings and
God’s grace. Your
reports and descriptions let us participate in
your truly personal experience
with the “inheritance from
Atlantis” – the touch that you receive from the
divine light
is therefore also a source of strength for us. These reports,
though they have to remain unanswered, are without
exception passed on to me
and also to the Lichtwelt-Team,
as is desired in most cases.
A heartfelt thank-you also goes to all those attentive
readers who make us
aware of the few spelling errors
and errors in understanding in our
publications, which
happen repeatedly.
And again we may express our
heartfelt thanks to you who
sent us financial assistances in the last few weeks.
These are regular and
irregular sums of different amounts
arriving in our account and whereby much of
what would be
impossible is made possible. The free availability of our
messages still requires those means even though we intensely
help to create a fully
conscious society that does not require
money anymore.
In total we can notice with joy that
the Lichtwelt-community
grows and grows. We see that more and more human Beings
experience being touched by the Light and we are thankful
that we have done our
it is called for to be whole. For each of us it is
necessary to fulfill our
assignments, everyone where
God has put us – unconditionally and with deep
trust in God.
And from your numerous letters we
can clearly surmise that
more and more human Beings interlock with their
become aware of their blueprint and have started a life far
Naturally we from the Lichtweltverlag
also have to live
up to these requirements and so I have to point out here
all letters, which refer to the content of our publications
or relate to the
healing effect of the gifts from the
“inheritance from Atlantis” must
furthermore remain
unanswered. We know that you are a Master yourself
everything is given to you – and we know what our
assignments are: To pass on the gifts from Heaven,
the assuredness that everything will be revealed to
human Beings by itself and
through God.
For all of us it is therefore true:
To do exactly
what we came for! More and more human Beings
become aware of the
necessary way of life and begin
to orient their life accordingly.
This “renewed orientation of human
Beings” guarantees
the rapid transformation of this society, because as soon
a human Being has come into his power the impossible
becomes possible.
Honored Readers,
In this spirit be assured: We
continue to feel the
“pulse of time” and be in the “flow of life”.
We will continue to pay our undivided attention
to the cosmic transformations and the events in society,
“pulse of time” and be in the “flow of life”.
We will continue to pay our undivided attention
to the cosmic transformations and the events in society,
until we, together with you, have fulfilled what we
came for in this world eons ago.
came for in this world eons ago.
With the highest regard for your
Being and in Love
Your Lichtwelt-Team & Jahn J
(At this time an English version of the Lichtwelt-Homepage
in preparationso that our english speaking readers may
restrictions also partake in our messages and
gifts from true "inheritance from Atlantis".)