channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Georgi Stankov
Please pay attention to two things,
circumstances that determine this time and what
the people are now facing.
1) The ” ruse of the darkness”, with which the dark ones
take possession
of the remaining soul fragments of those
people who have already gone astray
from the path of light.
2) The empty, inanimate body wraps, entities of synthetic
nature that
now besiege incessantly those people, whose soul
fragments they cannot reach so
easily but are of existential
importance for the dark forces. Their aim is to
confuse these people,
to make them blind to the right decisions and to their
ascension – until these people put their lightsabre aside and
hand over their
soul fragments to the dark ones.
It means, firstly: The final battle rages until the very end.
Every day is precious, and this is true for every being.
And secondly, it means: It is important to understand that
is indeed absolutely soulless entities, i.e. soulless
humans in this world and
that these constitute the vast
Although the level of 4D/12 is in the midst of the great
cleansing, the
synthetic beings are still in large numbers among you.
They can only be
removed with the final events in order to arrive at
the appropriate
levels of experience for them. It is important to
understand that these beings
have begun to besiege the people,
who have principally kept away from the dark
ones and are of
pure intentions, but, however, in terms of ascension are still
undetermined because they have fallen prey to some misinformation.
These synthetic entities lay upon their aura layers of dark veil,
carpet of resentment and doubt, until these people are
discouraged and lose
confidence and orientation within themselves.
Their aim is to weaken these
people, to rob their souls at the
appropriate moment. These soulless creatures
are at the service
of the dark ones and the aim of their existence is solely to
to the dark powers as many human soul fragments as possible.
Therefore, be extremely careful!
The fact that there are soulless humans is still hard to imagine
many people. However, it is necessary to comprehend this
fact very quickly. To
bury one’s head in the sand is hardly helpful
at this time. The methods to
bring back the light warriors,
who stand on the bridge between the worlds, into
the sinister
world are becoming more perfidious and more impertinent and
arsenal has not yet been exhausted by the dark ones.
So know that each light warrior, who now lays down his lightsabre,
been swayed by such entities. This does not exempt anyone from
his own
responsibility, but it is a fact that has to be mentioned here.
And finally we come to the key point of this message and its essential
importance: the esoteric scene, the “spiritual movement”
importance: the esoteric scene, the “spiritual movement”
is thoroughly
contaminated by these soulless beings,
and precisely here the dark forces have
in this context their greatest “soul raid”. Many gurus of
time are simply possessed by alien forces and already
completely taken over by
the dark ones. They have either
sold their soul or handed their soul fragments
over to them.
Gurus who do not own a soul? This is an image that is unimaginable
many. However, it is an image that you, while you still dwell on
this level of
perception, should cherish in your awareness, so that
you never be surprised by
this fact.
In these last days of humanity only one thing is of real importance:
discern in advance the last and desperate attempts of the dark
ones, so that
you are prepared and stay firmly like a rock within
yourself. And the entrance
of the dark ones into the originally
lightfilled souls is the still unprocessed
and latent doubts of the people.
These are stoked and built up cunningly until
the light warriors are
dissuaded from the path of light, so that they put down
their lightsabre,
while saying to themselves: “My ascension is canceled and
“error of some dreamers” does not concern me anymore.”
And that is precisely the blunder. It affects exactly you!
“blunder” will bring infinite pain to these people, because he,
who fails
shortly before reaching the goal, is as failed as the one
who has not even
taken this path. It makes no difference when
one fails, it makes no difference
whether one just misses the
target or misses it wide. Missed is missed! The
difference lies
solely in the eye of the beholder: For he, who realizes at the
moment when the worlds separate how close he was to the
realms of light, he can
be only utterly dismayed about himself
and will painfully writhe in his own
suffering that he has not
been called by the Creator.
It is urgently necessary to show you this scene as to ensure
that you
remain fully aware and vigilant, and thus cast away any doubt.
So that you
resist, where it is necessary, when the trap of the dark
ones snaps, when the
“seed of doubt” over your supposedly not
yet accomplished ascension thrives in
your soul.
steadfast, because God reveals Himself to you after
you have passed all the
tests, after you have done all the
steps and have successfully mastered all
self-imposed challenges.
Have faith and carry on. Nothing can happen to you.
The world has no more power over you, unless you concede
this power, which it
cannot muster on its own.
The world of
4D/12 is sealed and this level is now seized
by all kinds of still necessary
cleansing. The ascending ones
will also leave this level and
will expand into the fifth dimensional
level or even beyond. Herewith we have
reported these actual
news to you.
Stay vigilant
until the very end, guard the inner fire
and the flame of ascension. Discern
the last pitfalls of
darkness and bypass them, destroy them and stay away,
this transient world with its new temptations is trying
to hold you in
the illusion. These days the fruits of your actual
transformation work will
become apparent. Anyone, who has
worked well, has nothing to fear, he, who has
left out some
lessons, is now confronted with his ignorance. Recognize this
an instant or return back into the darkness!
This is the
last option that these people now have because
the time for lengthy learning
steps on the part of the ascension
aspirants has already expired. Realize this
and stay ready.
In infinite
love for you, people
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