written by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
of Nazi-Crimes
mistake from the props of “light and love illusion”
is the partial or complete
denial of the Nazi-Crimes.
Many esoteric people, human Beings, who approach
life and the view of things absolutely with honorable intentions,
to recognize Light Beings in Hitler, Himmler & Co,
having been badly
treated by the history books and the
propaganda of the victorious powers. Some
even consider
“Germanness” or the German language being superior to all
expressions (ask a Sanskrit scholar about this!) – and
in the expression of
“Master Race” all threads of errors come
together. This perception is quite
common in the esoteric
movement, always shimmers through and some of the
messages from the Light that were transmitted to me,
are interpreted that way.
My brother Karl and I,
by means of the Lichtweltverlag, are always confronted
by such perceptions of our readers.
In my
essays I urgently and repeatedly point to this mistake
and today it is
necessary to do it in this manner,
also in this context.
us from the Lichtwelt team,
and I think I can talk on behalf of each one of the
companions, it is necessary to clearly name this madness,
to point out
the mistake and to clearly distance ourselves
from any misinterpretation of the
Any connection of divinely light-filled
which are given to me, with the German National
Socialism philosophy,
for us, is absurd, totally false
and we firmly rebuff this!
connects these messages from the Light with
this darkness, which the Nazi
regime has brought over
mankind, has understood nothing and I ask these human
Beings to look inside and to dissolve old pictures, belief
patterns or karmic
in any case you are commanded to no longer bother us,
the Lichtweltverlag, with
letters are intolerable for us!
earmarks ascension only for an
elite of human Beings, errs!
may be a race on earth that dominates
other races, thereby enslaving every
human Being,
who does not belong to that race, errs!
prefers one of his eternal children
over another, errs!
language being more valuable than another, errs!
God’s Love is dependent on conditions,
certain attributes or a particular
behavior, errs!
Because truly: God loves all human Beings equally.
the death of millions of people and the
murder of human Beings, of “unworthy
life”, which
were caused by the Hitler regime in the years 1933 to
1945, words
fail me, as these facts are transfigured and as
Hitler is presented and
recognized as a victim and not as a
in Inner Earth
mischief is the theory that high-level Nazis
or parts of the regime had
defected to inner earth and
have found a home there.
applies only to very few, because most human Beings,
who have served the
regime, neither had the preconditions
for it nor were they willing to change
anything in their thinking
or feeling, even after the total extent of the
crimes were on
the table.
messages from the Light very often talk of
“very few human Beings” who ascend.
this is the “hook” of this subsequent “racial madness”
for the mistake that the
ascension is only reserved for the
“elite”. Some human Beings misunderstand
this such that it
deals here with an “elite” that Heaven prefers and already
great and erroneous arch has been formed all the way to eugenics.
Lichtweltverlag has nothing to do with this, this has been
expressed over and
over again in the essays and will continue
to do so, and we distance ourselves
from this in the harshest
of terms.
who misunderstand the messages, it is up to them,
on the other hand for those
who think that the messages
serve to give evil a light-filled coating, we have
to confer a
clear refusal.
our Birthright
the ascension is reserved for a few and this for
one reason only: Because
only a few have chosen it!
And that is the real tragic for the Human Beings who
stay behind. God’s
grace ensures until last that scattered
human Beings enter into the Light.
is the birthright of every human Being.
Each human Being has access to
enlightenment, as he
is willing to step on the path toward it. This is the only
condition. It is not a condition to have the right skin color,
to speak the
right language, to have chosen the right gender
or any other nonsense like
The messages from the Light are
instructions for the
oneness of mankind and are energy carriers for the
transfiguration of individual human Beings.
The Lichtweltverlag and especially with
me my brother Karl,
who leads the publishing side, we prompt all human Beings,
who associate the messages from the Light with fascist or
Nazi philosophies, to
rethink their attitude or do not let us
participate in that attitude. The
Lichtweltverlag does not go
into resonance with any of the pictures, which come
up in
human Beings.
year Reich“ and the „New World Order“
know that the marking of the boundaries after World War One
was unacceptable
for Germany, and that was partially the reason
for the Second World War. Yet
this fact does not justify what
followed. We know that many forces were
participating in the
Second World War, and that the victor Nations wrote the
And we know that a portion of the past victorious powers behave
exactly like Hitler, when he called for the establishment of
the “1000 year
Reich”. Because the Anglo-Saxon conspiracy against
all of us, is not inferior
in anything compared to Hitler’s intentions,
because the “1000 year Reich” and
the “New World Order” come
from the same think tank.
also this is repeatedly being pointed out in my essays,
so that human Beings
may see how history repeats itself;
what should give them knowledge and fit
them with wings
into freedom.
we also know that nothing, absolutely nothing justifies
murder and homicide,
then as today, and we know that it is
necessary to honor life on earth and not
to destroy it, then as
today. Hitler had “magic access” and was leaning toward
and Nazi greats did likewise.
this is the trap that the esoteric scene likes to fall into,
because this fact
only says that the Nazi regime was aligned
with the dark forces, what is
confirmed by their rage, in the
millions. And
today we experience this again also
– people get killed in the millions.
to the study „Deaths In Other Nations
Since WW II
Due To US Interventions”, since the Second World War the USA
have triggered 37 wars or conducted them themselves and are
responsible for 10 to 15 million deaths during the
and both Iraq wars.
2007 the study came to the conclusion that the United States
of America most
probably were responsible for the death of 20
to 30 million human Beings,
through wars (proxy wars) and
conflicts (regime overthrows) in the whole world.
included are 50,000 killed civilians due to the
“humanitarian intervention” in
Libya (2011), for the
“protection of the civilian population”!
not included are those human Beings who get
killed on a daily basis through
direct order from US President Obama.
is done by means of silent killer drones and in most cases
civilians are hit,
mostly women and children, accepted as
collateral damage.
flying objects take off daily in Yemen,
Pakistan or Afghanistan and recently
also in the USA.
In a
remarkable documentation by Jeremy
„Dirty Wars – the secret commando actions of the USA”
is a report
about the worldwide operation of the US elite
unit JSOC (Joint Special Operation Command, founded in
1980 and the only military
unit that reports directly to the
President). This movie was also broadcast
by the German
“Ersten” TV station (youtube video is available) on 11/28/2013.
unit reports directly to the President, operates since it’s
founding far from
any publicity and actually performs its murder
business in 75 countries of the
world. Thereby dozens of covert
operations are carried out on a daily basis,
and Obama’s killing
list that gets longer by the day, is systematically worked
with brutal precision.
documentation is, just like the German TV station,
above any “conspiracy
theory” and therefore the deaths
from the JSOC commando add to the above listed
Do we
need any further proof, how
a.) abysmally diabolical Hitler was and how
b.) abysmally diabolical this Anglo-Saxon
system is,
led by the actually greatest criminal and mass murderer on
earth, Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Hussein Obama?
don’t think so!
also with Obama, the “New Age Movement” has
completely failed. A greater
misjudgment than to describe
Obama as a positive “Light Being”, whatever may
still happen,
cannot happen at this time for any person of average
This applies even more to so-called “Channels” and their
channeled messages, which allege this.
strongly urge all channeling mediums, which are so
unclear and disoriented, to
immediately stop channeling,
in order to avert great suffering for human Beings
and themselves!
you dare to perform such a task, that you are not capable
of, purify yourself,
liberate yourself from all dark energies in you,
so that you become unreceptive
for the dark forces, which carry
out such a game with you.
The “Obama-Lie” is a prime example for
the decay
and the failure of the New Age Movement and has
been described here, in order to
be recognized as such.
their Deeds, You shall know them
us come to the end!
said: “By their deeds, you shall know
is sufficient as an orientation and who looks into
the face of the
representatives of these dark energies,
listens to their speeches, and knows
immediately what
to do – so he really wants to. (there are many youtube
available from yesterday and today)
Get a
clear picture yourself, as you may stagger and
be courageous to look at the
truth. Attain clarity about
this important aspect so that you may recognize,
due to the power of your discernment, what is.
God is in all human Beings and who has
for one single life, has contempt for God; who puts
himself above a
single life puts himself above God;
who kills a single life, kills God in
The ascension is given to all human
yet few will inherit it, because they wish to continue
to mature, grow
and become, in time and space.
conclusion has to be done – nothing more, nothing less.
Stay away from all low
vibrating forms of expression, yet remain
in the inner knowing, that humanity
is one, that life is one, that
God is in all and is one with all, that nothing
exists without the
other and that black, yellow, white, red human Beings
what and also how you breathe – oxygen through your lungs.
Who puts himself even over a single
Being puts himself above God!
that does not mean, that you should be
taken in by those human Beings, who have
the dark experiences, or back off from casting them
into the wind.
Distance yourself from evil, yet be always
conscious that also the evil will
turn to the light at some point.
evil challenges you, defend yourself,
stand up like a true light warrior –
fearlessly and decisively!
yourself should sow peace instead of war,
and only bring the light sword there
where you
affect healing and create peace, due to your divine knowledge.
For a divine Being arbitrariness is
prohibited and forbidden.
Each claim of individual power however
is demanded and
asked for, for a divine Being.
also here it is called for to specifically
utilize your power of discernment. Remember:
The uniqueness and the abundance of
are the result of the diversity of human Beings.
unification of humanity is the wrong and dark approach.
It is true to love the
diversity on this planet and thereby
forges the oneness of mankind. We all
originate from one
Creator and come from one Source. Some are very conscious
of it, others rarely.
Find Orientation
Beloved Ones,
heavenly hierarchies do not know “elites”.
hierarchies of Light are defined due to their
specific assignments in Creation
and not in order
to have power over other Beings.
almightiness of enlightened ones is always utilized
for the benefit of all,
there are no creations, which oppose
this principle; there is no end in itself,
because all is oriented
toward the All.
the light-filled levels of Creation know are assignments
and areas of action of
individual Masters and societies, which
in love are connected with all life. If
love is absent everything
is missing. And the Light Beings lack nothing and
they possess
everything, foremost Love. Mistakes
are there to be overcome!
this writing serves solely so that for all human Beings,
if they so choose,
this may be possible.
Overcome your reservations!
the wheat from the chaff.
yourself if you encounter out of bounds forces.
always know, your present insight is the insight of
your brother, of your
sister of tomorrow.
In Love
Jahn J Kassl
The light world publishing and the author do not lead any
The light world publishing and the author do not lead any
correspondence whatsoever
on the texts / messages
published on this website.
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