written by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
„Sweden eliminates cash entirely. In the bank branches neither
coins nor paper money are given out or accepted. Even bus drivers
do not accept cash. In Italy cash transactions of more than 1000
Euros are already forbidden. In Greece the limit is 1500 Euros,
in Spain 2500 Euros and in France 3000 Euros. In German commerce
card readers are increased from 35,000 to 100,000. In the USA, the
mother country of the biggest credit card companies (Visa,
Mastercard, Diners, etc.), 100 dollar bills are no longer printed.”
Dr. Tassilo Wallentin in „OFFEN GESAGT“ Kronen Zeitung 6/1/2014
What are we actually talking about?
1.) The absolute control by an elite over any financial
transaction of human Beings!
Meaning: the glass human Being and the total Surveillance State.
2.) The direct access of this elite to our accounts!
Meaning: To be able to freeze the account at will
(i.e. regime critics, “terrorists”).
3.) End of the debt crisis, because the State can withdraw,
per edict, over night, money from the account of citizens.
Meaning: it can steal it.
Actually the European Central Bank (EZB) considers
the elimination of the 500 Euro bill, according to Vice
President Vítor Constâncio. For Constâncio this is “worth
discussing”, meaning in plain language:
The criminal act, to entirely eliminate bills is already
being staged, and the 500 Euro bill is perfect for it, naturally
under the excuse to stop forgery, because most EU citizens
rarely have this bill in their wallet and many only know it from
So what is behind all this, if one looks deeper
and exposes the next layer of this political abyss?
What is the actual goal that is in its first step preceded
by the “elimination of cash”?
It is the total control over mankind and the reduction
in world population by means of the implanted RFID-Chip!
RFID-Chip replaces Cash
The replacement of cash by credit cards is only a piece of
the puzzle in the great and corrupt game of the elites with
the life of mostly entirely clueless human Beings. This is
where the actual trip goes and the USA sets the tempo for
this crime and determines the procedure.
The RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Device)
microchip is implanted per injection under the skin
and is very difficult to remove.
The ambitious goal of the Obama Administration to chip
all US citizens until March 23rd 2013, has failed significantly,
but this NWO agenda for the total surveillance and the
reduction in world population certainly is not off the table.
Already for some time there are “chipped communities”
in the US and in Great Britain, citizens, who live with this
implantation technology.
Also Obama’s Health Care Reform (Obamacare),
can only be used by those human Beings, who are
willing to have the RFID-Chip implanted under the skin.
As little as is being reported daily about the death list,
getting longer all the time, of the President, whereby
human Beings, at the order of the President, get killed
daily via killer drones, the mass media also specifically
omit to report about this RFID lead-agenda of the elite.
This chip contains all information about a human Being
(personal info, health data, bank and credit card accounts, etc.)
and in the future shall replace any card and make cashless
shopping child’s play; simply put your hand under the scanner
and go on.
In order to make chipping more palatable,
VIP status is being offered. There are people in England,
who have VIP status in a club due to the microchip and never
have to stand in line for cards or for the payment of drinks.
This is already REALITY!
Besides the fact that such chipping is an inordinate intrusion
into the freedom of human Beings, it is additionally being
concealed that this microchip can be controlled from the outside.
Meaning that absolutely deadly electromagnetic fields
can be generated without human Beings being able to affect it.
In times of the NSA scandal that has unveiled to us the tip of
the already functioning global and total surveillance of human
Beings – a child’s play.
In summary: The chipping of human Beings gives the elite
the power to control us at will or to kill us at will, and the
elimination of cash is the preliminary stage of this conspiracy
of the .1% elite against the whole 99.9% of mankind.
Reduction of World Population
What all wars, vaccination programs, disease causing
nutrition (GMO and antibiotics), the HAARP program, mind
control, electrosmog, environmental pollution by the oil industry
could not achieve, will be possible with the chip.
This agenda of a significant reduction in world population
is no loner being denied by the elite! One just needs to listen
more carefully. As an example, when Bill Gates during the TED
conference (technology, entertainment and design) in the spring
of 2010 expresses the outrageous opinion:
„The world today has 6.8 billion people, increasing towards 9 billion.
If we now do a really good job with vaccinations, health care,
we could reduce the population by possibly 10 or 15 percent.”
„Really good job“ and health care of the “reducer” Gates therefore
means: Inoculate until about one billion people die!
Somewhat later, on 7/14/2011, eugenics Gates in a show
with Markus Lanz, the present most obvious and most offensive
slated person against NWO critics and for the NWO agenda
advertising German “magazine Heini”, added the following:
“It is against sound human reason that the population could
be significantly reduced by vaccination. It was in 2001,
when I made the discovery, and after that we have fostered
mostly inoculations in our health care system.”
One cannot make a more explicit statement regarding
the issue “death through vaccination”. (That Lanz did not
say anything is part of the program, since he has been
brainwashed in that direction and is being paid for exactly that!)
And where the inoculations of benefactor Gates do not work,
the RFID-Chip shall bring relief. That this microchip causes
cancer is thereby the minor evil. (The US data protection expert
Dr. Katherine Albrecht found evidence in eight scientific studies
that in 10 percent of laboratory animals with the implant
cancerous tumors developed around the chip. “The cancerous
tumors developed metastases and in many cases led to death.”)
“Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick
themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.“
Winston Churchill, Politician (1874-1965).
And the truth is: For regime critics or for people,
who question the system, the remotely programmed
microchip – per external click of the mouse – means certain
death. What drones & Co could not accomplish will be
done with the technology of the RFID-Chip.
„Brave New World“, by Aldous Huxley fits perfectly
into this picture; a world of horror! Huxley, who belonged to
the Anglo-American elite and whose brother Sir Julian Huxley,
after the second world war, was not only the first General
Secretary of UNESCO, but foremost a proponent of eugenics
and the reduction in world population, declared in 1961:
“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological
method to bring human Beings to the point, when they love their
own enslavement, in order to produce to some extent a dictatorship
without tears with a painless concentration camp for whole societies.
Human Beings would lose their freedom, but they would like it,
because due to propaganda or mind control, they would be
distracted from any wish for revolt, or from a pharmacological
method of increased mind control. This would be the final
revolution.” (F. William Engdahl, China in Danger, 2014)
And it is exactly this world that is meant, as the heads of
States and Religious leaders talk about the “New World
Order” – inclusive of the elimination of cash for the
purpose of “crime safety”.
No human Being finds appeal in the world of Bush,
Obama, Merkel, Gorbachev, the Popes & Co,
and yet they want to force it on us nonetheless!
Sign of the Beast
A human Being, who does not act compliant with the system,
will be easily cut off from any life artery to society in the NWO.
deactivate the chip and already you can no longer
purchase or sell anywhere:
„And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor,
free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand,
or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell,
save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast,
or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that
hath understanding count the number of the beast:
for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six
hundred threescore and six.“
(Revelation 13,16-18; the final book of the Bible.)
Seldom has a prophecy hit the nail on the head so accurately!
Therefore how could the path toward total chipping
of mankind, after cash has been eliminated, be manifested?
1.)Through clever propaganda (media campaign as the spearhead
of the agenda), the RFID-Chip is being sold to mankind as a real
accomplishment. In the first phase of implementation all human
Beings, who are equipped with it, thereby enjoy conveniences and
advantages, which are denied to other people (preferred treatment
during shopping, medical procedure and at public offices,
VIP status at events, VIP status during travel).
2.)Through a “really great crisis” (David Rockefeller 1991 at
the Bilderberg Conference in Baden-Baden), which irritates
people so long, until they say yes and Amen to everything
that the elite wants to enforce, only so that thereby peace
rules and the world comes to rest.
Thereby two prominent architects of the NWO totally unencrypted:
„We will have a World Government, if you like it or not.
The only question is, if the World Government is achieved
through conquest or consent.” Paul Warburg (1868-1932),
Architect of the Federal Reserve System.
Henry Alfred Kissinger (90), who is subject to an international
arrest warrant from France and Spain for his participation in the
killing of Spanish and French citizens carried out by the fascist
Pinochet-Dictatorship in Chile, and the great puppet master in
world politics, and like Obama Nobel Peace Prize Winner,
expresses it in his book “China” as follows:
“In his paper “perpetual peace” the philosopher Emmanuel Kant
espoused the opinion that eternal peace could be attained in two
ways: by human insight or through conflicts and catastrophes of
such an extent that mankind would have no other choice.
We stand at such a crossroad.”
In plain language:
a.) Through willing approval, via TV or media manipulation,
through nutrition weakening the human organism (additives)
or through mind control or
b.) through targeted stoked chaos the Elites want – after the
majority of mankind has been killed – to degrade the remaining
population (about 500 million to 1 billion people) to absolute slavery.
Whoever thinks that this elaboration is absurd,
is urged to make at least a small effort to get to the
bottom of this background information. If you lack courage,
then please take yourself up on the promise; and please do
not try – just because it is convenient – to unpack the conspiracy
club. This one only works with those human Beings,
who have fallen for the bait of Obama’s latest diabolical words:
"…and for the international order, which we have worked on for
generations. Common men and women are too small-minded
in order to direct their affairs. This order can only proceed,
if individuals give up their rights to an almighty sovereign.
(Link deactivated, because Lichtweltverlag refrains from any linking!)
Obama therefore steps into the footsteps of Misanthrope
Nicholas Rockefeller, who revealed to us his disgusting picture
of the world and human Beings: „Rockefeller often times was
set on emphasizing his idea that human Beings should be led
by an Elite, and that one of the instruments of power is the
reduction of the size of the population, because there are too
many people in the world; and that the world population
should be reduced to at least half. Rockefeller said the
purpose is to equip all with a brain chip. The Elite wants
to transform human Beings into a totally new human Being
without free will – in order to enslave him. (Aron Russo,
US-Filmmaker and Activist 1943-2007, in a conversation
with Nicholas „Nick“ Rockefeller).
Thereby the circle closes and for the Elite that counts in
centuries, the elimination of cash is only a partial section
on the way to total power on this planet and at the end it
says: the absolute control over Mankind!
And this plan of the Elite fails in these days. Why?
Because an awakened and courageous society is building
that is in opposition. („To create something new means to offer
resistance. To offer resistance means to create something
new.” Stéphane Hessel) And because global events, like the
magnetic pole reversal, which cannot be found in any history
book or in any prognosis about the future, are closer than the
next earthquake in Japan.
This world is in the middle of the greatest upheaval
in the history of mankind – “all inclusive”.
In summary: We stand at the precipice of a great catastrophe; wherefrom we will finally emerge transformed and freed from the dark Orion-Elite.
And otherwise I demand the unconditional basic
income as a birth right for all human Beings from 0-99.
Jahn J Kassl
This “essay” was sent out as a “letter to the editor”
purchase or sell anywhere:
„And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor,
free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand,
or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell,
save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast,
or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that
hath understanding count the number of the beast:
for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six
hundred threescore and six.“
(Revelation 13,16-18; the final book of the Bible.)
Seldom has a prophecy hit the nail on the head so accurately!
Therefore how could the path toward total chipping
of mankind, after cash has been eliminated, be manifested?
1.)Through clever propaganda (media campaign as the spearhead
of the agenda), the RFID-Chip is being sold to mankind as a real
accomplishment. In the first phase of implementation all human
Beings, who are equipped with it, thereby enjoy conveniences and
advantages, which are denied to other people (preferred treatment
during shopping, medical procedure and at public offices,
VIP status at events, VIP status during travel).
2.)Through a “really great crisis” (David Rockefeller 1991 at
the Bilderberg Conference in Baden-Baden), which irritates
people so long, until they say yes and Amen to everything
that the elite wants to enforce, only so that thereby peace
rules and the world comes to rest.
Thereby two prominent architects of the NWO totally unencrypted:
„We will have a World Government, if you like it or not.
The only question is, if the World Government is achieved
through conquest or consent.” Paul Warburg (1868-1932),
Architect of the Federal Reserve System.
Henry Alfred Kissinger (90), who is subject to an international
arrest warrant from France and Spain for his participation in the
killing of Spanish and French citizens carried out by the fascist
Pinochet-Dictatorship in Chile, and the great puppet master in
world politics, and like Obama Nobel Peace Prize Winner,
expresses it in his book “China” as follows:
“In his paper “perpetual peace” the philosopher Emmanuel Kant
espoused the opinion that eternal peace could be attained in two
ways: by human insight or through conflicts and catastrophes of
such an extent that mankind would have no other choice.
We stand at such a crossroad.”
In plain language:
a.) Through willing approval, via TV or media manipulation,
through nutrition weakening the human organism (additives)
or through mind control or
b.) through targeted stoked chaos the Elites want – after the
majority of mankind has been killed – to degrade the remaining
population (about 500 million to 1 billion people) to absolute slavery.
Whoever thinks that this elaboration is absurd,
is urged to make at least a small effort to get to the
bottom of this background information. If you lack courage,
then please take yourself up on the promise; and please do
not try – just because it is convenient – to unpack the conspiracy
club. This one only works with those human Beings,
who have fallen for the bait of Obama’s latest diabolical words:
"…and for the international order, which we have worked on for
generations. Common men and women are too small-minded
in order to direct their affairs. This order can only proceed,
if individuals give up their rights to an almighty sovereign.
(Link deactivated, because Lichtweltverlag refrains from any linking!)
Obama therefore steps into the footsteps of Misanthrope
Nicholas Rockefeller, who revealed to us his disgusting picture
of the world and human Beings: „Rockefeller often times was
set on emphasizing his idea that human Beings should be led
by an Elite, and that one of the instruments of power is the
reduction of the size of the population, because there are too
many people in the world; and that the world population
should be reduced to at least half. Rockefeller said the
purpose is to equip all with a brain chip. The Elite wants
to transform human Beings into a totally new human Being
without free will – in order to enslave him. (Aron Russo,
US-Filmmaker and Activist 1943-2007, in a conversation
with Nicholas „Nick“ Rockefeller).
Thereby the circle closes and for the Elite that counts in
centuries, the elimination of cash is only a partial section
on the way to total power on this planet and at the end it
says: the absolute control over Mankind!
And this plan of the Elite fails in these days. Why?
Because an awakened and courageous society is building
that is in opposition. („To create something new means to offer
resistance. To offer resistance means to create something
new.” Stéphane Hessel) And because global events, like the
magnetic pole reversal, which cannot be found in any history
book or in any prognosis about the future, are closer than the
next earthquake in Japan.
This world is in the middle of the greatest upheaval
in the history of mankind – “all inclusive”.
In summary: We stand at the precipice of a great catastrophe; wherefrom we will finally emerge transformed and freed from the dark Orion-Elite.
And otherwise I demand the unconditional basic
income as a birth right for all human Beings from 0-99.
Jahn J Kassl
This “essay” was sent out as a “letter to the editor”
to all editorial staffs and publishers of daily newspapers and
weekly magazines in Austria, Germany and Switzerland,
as well as to top-level politicians in Austria.)
The light world publishing and the author do not lead any corrspondence
weekly magazines in Austria, Germany and Switzerland,
as well as to top-level politicians in Austria.)
The light world publishing and the author do not lead any corrspondence
whatsoever on the texts / massages published on this website.
The Beast 666 – JAHN J KASSL: