channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz
Report: I wake up from a
dream about a multi-headed Hydra.
A snake-like body has multiple heads, and I
cut off the heads,
but they immediately grow back out of nothing.
of report)
great moment, when all of Mankind ascends into the
Light comes closer and
closer. You are challenged.
All levels are driven to the limits of their
ability to cope
and you are once again purified to your actual level of
maturity, because a true light warrior remains firm, even
when he has long ago
been abandoned by many of his
fellow travelers and other light warriors.
is the significance of the dream?
the fact that this end time demands a lot from
each individual human Being,
many humans give up
and capitulate, because of the “multi-headed Hydra”.
seems, that whatever one does, no matter how many
heads you cut off, that they
immediately grow back and the
whole body does not lose any strength. This
illusion demoralizes
many light warriors and thereby they throw down their
into the field.
before the separation of the worlds, many battles have
been fought for nothing,
many pains have been suffered for
nothing and the whole effort has barely been
worth talking about.
This illusion has already been pointed out to you, but yet
insights are being added.
Many light warriors of the first and last hours,
who anxiously wait in the
light corridor for their ascension,
are being visited by long-forgotten guests.
It is the doubt and
the compassion. Doubts, if everything does indeed happen
doesn’t belong to the realms of imagination, and compassion
with those
humans, who continue to wander in darkness and
are being corrupted by the dark
destructive mixture of unreleased emotions,
non-reflected mental considerations
and lacking,
because confused, spiritual orientation, can bring
down almost any
light warrior.
one experiences again and again, how the darkness,
even though defeated a long
time ago, rises again and is filled
with new life, whereby it is elevated to
new viciousness, it is more
than understandable, that the conditions of doubt
and desperation
sneak into the human heart. When one experiences again and again
how fellow humans squirm in pain, because they gain nothing
from life except
the misconception of transiency, one fully
understands, that one slides into
compassion for these Beings.
It is more than understandable, but of no use for
the ascension!
The regrowth
of the heads signifies, that you cannot encounter
this monstrosity by
conventional means. A light sword by itself
is not enough. This points to the
fact that this situation requires
another approach.
And I
can tell you, that it is being confronted by different
means and is not just
the affair of a single light warrior.
And that is what the dream points to,
which means:
This monstrosity needs to be destroyed in totality, as a whole.
Transferred to today and the current human society: Any
slavery of humans will
be destroyed, as well as everything
that is harmful to Mother Earth will also
be destroyed.
A new beginning is only possible, if this “old creature”,
it is
the “New World Order”, is pulled from the ground up
with all its roots and is
destroyed. A change within the old
system is impossible and so it happens now.
all who assume that this timeline offers change without
drama it is said: Yes,
without drama, if you belong to those,
who appear as future ascended Masters,
no, if you belong to
those, who have decided to witness this spectacle as a
Being, because only then will you be capable to take the last
transformation steps.
This World is torn down and built anew.
The New Jerusalem rises and does not
upon old walls.
it is important to know, that you
1) need to totally separate yourself from
without compassion, without looking around, and that you
2)need to totally step out from doubt
into certitude,
which will succeed, if you maintain a high vibration for
How? By
freeing yourself immediately from every low vibration
and from foreign energies
that can reach you during the day.
The means for that are well known.
Jesus, who taught in the temple and was sought by
his mother, did not recognize
his mother, because who is my
mother, who is my father? Is it the one, who
calls for me or is
it the one, who knows the Father in Heaven?
is the servant of doubt and doubt is the door to standstill,
to lethargy, to
incertitude, which can have fatal effects at this time.
as the conditions remain unrecognized and settle within you.
Therefore: Remove
them immediately.
can overcome the multi-headed Hydra only by
destroying it and that happens now
on all upper levels
of the 4D worlds, there, where the dark forces and the
is still expressing itself in multiple forms. In summary:
This “Gestalt”
will not have any ground for existence on all
levels of the “Supra Planet”!
Thereby all levels, that are affected
by it, are now being freed from this
curse in a sacred creative act.
This means the total implosion of all systems
of society on these
levels, because the 5D world does not tolerate these
in its vicinity.
steadfast within self, and not let yourself be
discouraged by this creature,
which means, these conditions,
which you still recognize. Be careful and know,
the heads only
grow back if they receive nourishment from the whole body.
it receives nourishment solely from the fears of human
fears have been extinguished on the upper
4D and the lower 5D levels of the
“Supra Planet”.
signifies, that this plague disappears, it is taken away from you,
and soon it
will only be a memory of a time long ago. And so it
happens, what has to
happen, because God’s providence in
accordance with the freewill of human
Beings has mandated it.
alert, direct your whole attention to the inner,
and examine yourself again,
where and why you stagger,
where and why you are still doubtful and why you are
by compassion. Solve this, and everything else will be taken
care of.
us, who are the custodians of this world,
us, who are united under the banner of the
Universal Federation of Light,
us, who are the carriers of the plan
for creation for this World.
of this union I speak to you,
and out of this union you return with us now.
expects you, and us,
the time acting on your side.
I am
in all Worlds
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The light world publishing and the author do not lead any
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on this website.
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